A DSL-engine to turbo-charge your Kotlin development
io.turbodsl will not make your application faster, but will make your development easier and most importantly, write asynchronous code in a natural way using DSL expressions.
Overall performance differences between low-level-coroutine approach vs. io.turbodsl is negligible.
io.turbodsl allows you to write clean and predictable code, easier to review and maintain.
Latest version: v1.2.4
dependencies {
It already includes these dependencies:
dependencies {
Writing asynchronous code using io.turbodsl is simple:
// Restrict all execution to 10 seconds.
TurboScope.execute(timeout = 10_000L) {
// Execute 3 jobs in parallel, and retry up to 10 times.
// Return empty-string after last retry failure.
// Restrict each retry execution to 2 seconds.
retry(retries = 10, timeout = 2_000L, default = Default.EmptyString) {
// Cancel pending jobs on first failure
asyncMode = AsyncScope.AsyncMode.CancelFirst,
throwOnFailure = true,
job1 = asyncJob<String>(timeout = 500L) { "job1" },
job2 = asyncJob<String>(delay = 100L) { "job2" },
job3 = asyncJob<String>(timeout = 1_000L) { "job3" },
) { _, r1, r2, r3 ->
// Since `throwOnFailure` is true, then this block is executed only if all jobs are successful.
"${r1.success()} ${r2.success()} ${r3.success()}"
}.let { data ->
// Retry 3 more times, delaying 0.5, 1, 2 seconds respectively
retry<String, String>(input = data, retries = 3, retryDelay = 500, retryDelayFactor = 2.0) {
// Maps each character in parallel (0 means trigger as many coroutines as items in collection)
input.toList().asyncMap(maxJobs = 0) {
when (it) {
'j' -> 1
'o' -> 2
'b' -> 3
' ' -> 0
else -> it
}.joinToString(separator = "-")
}.let {
// Prints out: 1-2-3-1-0-1-2-3-2-0-1-2-3-3
println("Result: $it")